Monday, September 29, 2008

Selling on the Internet--Who Knows What They Are Doing?

Okay, did you raise your hand? I recently read a thread on an internet marketing guru's blog and as clear as he was about the product he was launching, there were still comments posted that asked the very most elementary of questions--what is PPC, what is a thread, I am broke and have no credit card--can you help me make money? It would seem a bit pathetic at times but I applaud the ones who asked anyway. At least they are trying to better their situation.

But what if you don't know even the simplest, most taken for granted education we have in this medium of internet marketing, it is so very hard when you don't know and often very easy once you do know. Every day there is someone who wants to know what you already know. A character on TV made the comment that I found so simple but true: "The more you know, the more you don't know." Don't shake your head in confusion--say it a few times and really think about it.

It is at this point I am asking you to post your questions, no matter how elementary they may be to anyone else, and let's "get a thread going" on the subject of What is......

As a writer, it is tremendously important to know who to write for, who is the audience. Why write about subjects no one relates to or cares about. Post your questions so anyone can benefit from the answers.

Coming soon-- a glossary of internet terms for your reference. Ignorance is a word that has gotten a terrible rap---it simply means a "lack of knowledge". Don't ever be embarrassed by a lack of knowledge. Ask and you shall be educated.

Your comments are welcomed and encouraged...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is Your Tank Empty?

Today I had to drive past eight gas stations before finding one that had gas to sell. A customer in my store told me about waiting 45 minutes in line to get ten gallons. Maybe my family in upstate NY aren't seeing what we are here in Atlanta but I can tell you that in one way or another, they will feel it.

Remember the phrase "trickle down theory"? It is alive and well and affecting every sector of our communities. But you already know that. So what is my point?

We have taken a lot for granted in our lifetimes. Change has been either good or mostly a bad experience to talk about once we got back on track. And we have always seen a track to get back onto. But in the years since 9/11 (and I use that only as a significant starting point, not as the only reason for our calamities), we have seen natural disasters--hurricane after hurricane, floods, earthquakes--and financial disasters ad nauseum. We aren't as resilient in our thinking about change for the "good"--about being optimistic. Those brave souls who use change as an opportunity are finding it harder to do so. While I have had inspiration in those people in the past, I am afraid to look across the boat I am in and see them there, too.

As competition falls, there will be few who will weather the hard times and still have the heart to remain. It is at great cost for all -- even the strong are only as strong as the economy that keeps them afloat.

It is no consolation to know that a wake up call to our way of life will make us more conservative with our spending, less wasteful in all areas, more appreciative of what we have. In the stock market it is called a correction. Something that was wrong should be corrected. But suffering, nonetheless, does occur.

If we wait until the tank is empty to find a gas station, we may be going nowhere. Maybe you don't have to sell a house right now. Maybe you aren't in danger of losing your job soon. Maybe your debt is manageable or nonexistent. But you would be in the minority and what happens to your neighbor affects you, too.

These changes affect buying methods. A business/entrepreneur will have to adapt and create new ways and new products to accomodate the changes to survive. New and creative means to maintain income will come from all this. While some products will suffer and die (SUVs ?), others will flourish (Smart Cars?) because of the changes. It is so important now more than ever before to be able to take charge of your income, even if it's only a supplemental income. The internet has become reachable for the everyday person. In its simplest forms, the internet can make money for "ordinary" people. It may seem like it would take a degree in rocket science (believe me, I have my days...) to create a business online, but the truth is even a 10 year old can blog. (Maybe even younger...) So why doesn't everybody do it?

Their tank is empty. They just don't have it in them emotionally or financially to look at and learn another way. The economy has taken its toll. Don't let this option be the one you regret not having tried. The opportunities are so vast, so creative. It is truly an economically equal opportunity for those who use it best. Don't wait until your tank is empty--chances are, the way things are going, you may need a way to get somewhere else.

Sell Online--Get your products from the most trusted wholesale resource

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Writing those Darn Articles a real Pain?

So if you are savvy to the workings of getting your site/product/name/links all over the internet, you are aware of how important having articles posted everywhere possible can be. But who the heck are the writers? Someone you hired at, what, 20 bucks an article? Maybe a few cheap ones that were pretty bad? Who knows better what you want to say and what market you want to reach than--well, YOU. But you say you don't know HOW to write an article.

Look, I got straight A's in English and grammar but there is just so much (shouldn't that be "so little"?) I can churn out when quantity is the goal.

Even writing a blog post can get a bit intimidating.....

Truthfully, and believe me when I tell you, the reason for this post is that I just came across something (look out, here comes that word I hate...) uh......amazing. There, I said it. After seeing that overworked word so often, it would take something truly.....*amazing*...for me to even use the word. But this time it fits.

Struggling to write yet another paragraph on a particular subject and make it sound fresh is a major obstacle to online business owners. You can't make money online if there aren't any links back to your ecommerce website. We know how important articles are to our business.

Well, today I found Instant Article Wizard and as skeptical as I am about automated systems (maybe not "skeptical" but certainly intimidated!), this one was well worth a look. So good, that I am buying it today and will keep you updated on what a useful and valuable tool this should become to me. You are encouraged to have a look at the demo videos here and be just as --amazed--as I was. Finally, something that really is worth so much more than the few little bucks being asked.

The name is just perfect, too---Instant Article Wizard..................and presto! You have the article written is as little a 8 minutes! I know, 'cause I watched them do it on the video.